
Amanda Rickman, JBGoodwin Realtor

So….. whether you are trying to prep your home to sell or just having company over to your home, first impressions count!  I have come up with 3 starter tips that could help give good first impression of your home.  Although most of the following tips are more-so for if you are trying to sell your home, some may be helpful for modern day entertainer.

#1.  First things first, curb appeal people!  Sometimes the old saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover” isn’t always the case.   The outside is the first thing you see when approaching someone’s home.   If one doesn’t have a well manicured outside, I don’t know what first comes to your mind, but mine is wondering how the inside could possibly be inviting.  Sadly for some, if one isn’t attracted to the outside they won’t even step foot inside.  I’m not saying you have to have a professionally landscaped yard, there are less expensive options to make your home more inviting.  Simply have your lawn mowed and cleaned up if you have pets.  If it is ok with your HOA, paint your door an inviting  color (I said inviting, not crazy) or replace your possibly outdated door with a newer door.  Have a nicely swept porch along with some seating.  Top it off with some nice potted plants by your front door.  Tada!  Now I want to come in!

#2.  Now that I have entered the front door, the last thing I want to be hit with is a big whiff of litter box odor, pet (in general) odor, or smoke smell.  It’s like a punch in the face and a possible deal breaker if I’m a buyer.  If the odor is out of control, you may have to consider some serious down and dirty damage control.  There are a few things that could help if the odor is pretty mild.  If you are trying to sell, see if a family member or friend can watch your pets during this stressful time.  If not, clean that litter box daily and at least have your pets out of the house if it’s being showed to a potential buyer.  Get your carpet cleaned, they are always having deals on  daily deal websites.  If smoke smell is your problem, sometimes adding a fresh coat of paint to your walls helps and is probably the cheapest remedy to start with.  Put those Scentsy warmers to use with clean fragrances.  Have fresh flowers from your local florist in your entry way.  It’s better to say, “It smells like roses in here!”, than “whew”.

Meet my dog Wilbur, I love him but that doesn’t mean everyone does!


#3.  There comes a time in everyone’s life that they have to face the fact and get rid of wall paper.  Wall paper is one of those things that is very person specific making it very hard for an outsider to picture your home as home.  So let’s talk paint!  Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to update your home.  Neutral colors are good and by neutral I don’t mean white.  Neutrals also give a potential buyer an open canvas to work with.  Warmer colors such as creams, tans, and buttery colors stimulate your senses and are good in common areas such as the living room, dining room, kitchen, and entry. Cooler colors such as sage greens, grays, and pale blues are good in bedrooms and bathrooms creating a spa-like feel.

These 3 tips are just a touch on all the things you could do to make a good first impression with your home as well as some of the most simple and least expensive.  I hope you found it helpful!